My Poster
There are many impulses that compel me to create art. Many times, those impulses are political, but other times those impulses come from a desire to use content I’ve already created, including photos, phrases and illustration ideas. As a participant in my own poster show, I do feel the need to produce work that exemplary and inspirational to the viewer, but also to the other show participants.
What I really want to do is to do something I really want to do.
Which means that I’m prone to over-think this whole process. What I really want to do is to do something I really want to do. Something layered, slightly stilted, and gripping. Something that speaks universally. Something that sells. Those desires don’t necessarily compliment each other.
I realize now, early in the process, that what I really need is a seed of an idea that will guide the design process. Rarely am I happy with something that begins with aesthetics, but I’m always proud of the expression of a good idea. A Better Place means many different things to me, but in the next couple of weeks, I’m going to explore what it means to ME.